May 2023

Strengthening wildlife crime prosecution: Hopeful step with new police sector in Bulgaria

Hope arises for stronger prosecution of illegal wildlife poisoning and other wildlife crimes in Bulgaria, as the country establishes a dedicated police sector within the Ministry of the Interior, a momentous leap forward in protecting wildlife and its natural heritage. The newly formed “Crimes against the Environment and Wildlife” sector, operating under the Economic Police […]

Strengthening wildlife crime prosecution: Hopeful step with new police sector in Bulgaria Read More »

vicious cycle of illegal wildlife poisoning vultures fox

New video vividly illustrates the vicious cycle of illegal wildlife poisoning

Illegal wildlife poisoning is a cruel and harmful practice. Despite being banned in many countries, it remains a prevalent method to eliminate animals perceived as pests or predators. However, the consequences extend far beyond the intended targets, affecting other wildlife and even humans. Leaving poison baits in open areas initiates a vicious cycle, indiscriminately killing

New video vividly illustrates the vicious cycle of illegal wildlife poisoning Read More »

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