Mortality Database

Mortality Database

Recording and reporting wildlife poisoning incidents across seven Balkan countries

The use of a wildlife mortality database to record illegal wildlife poisoning incidents across the Balkans can provide a more precise overview of the problem, enabling the BalkanDetox LIFE project team and other key stakeholders combating wildlife poisoning to implement more accurate anti-poisoning actions to tackle this severe threat.

Importance of comprehending wildlife poisoning mortality

It is necessary to build a mortality database across the Balkans that records illegal poisoning incidents of animals, specifying with precision all available data such as location, date, affected species, substances used, actions taken and penal consequences received. Such systematic compilation of relevant data will allow the project team to better define the scope and severity of this illegal practice in each country, drivers behind it, substances most commonly used for poisoning, hotspots for poisoning and species most affected by this practice. At the same time, it will help direct preventative actions, identify key target groups to raise awareness and monitor the effects of implemented anti-poison actions on reducing the threat of wildlife poisoning. Finally, the cohesion of this information within a Balkan database enables us to gain deeper insight into the situation on a regional and international scale allowing for an easier comparison of the situation between countries and exchange of information.

Recording wildlife poisoning mortality across the Balkans

As part of “The Return of the Neophron” LIFE project (LIFE10 NAT/BG/000152), the Greek partner, Hellenic Ornithological Society/BirdLife Greece (HOS), developed the National Anti-poison Database in Greece in 2014. Subsequently, in early 2020, as part of the “Egyptian Vulture New” LIFE project (LIFE16 NAT/BG/000874), the Database expanded to include records from Albania, the Republic of North Macedonia and Bulgaria. This Database has been made public via an online map (the Balkan Wildlife Poison Map) depicting all the poisoning incidents recorded in the database. An online form is also available on the same site for people to send in any information they may have of wildlife poisoning incidents in their area. Within the BalkanDetox LIFE project, this Database will expand – and with it, so will the online map- to include the remaining project countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia. Each partner will be responsible for inputting and updating reports with their respective country’s reported incidents. Hopefully, the Database in combination with the online map will provide a clear picture of the extent and impact of wildlife poisoning in the Balkan region.

BalkanDetox LIFE project

Threat of illegal wildlife poisoning

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