The Progress
Milestones and Deliverables
Set-up & development of project identity
Milestone E.1: Set up of Project Steering Committee (02.11.2020) – Completed / 22.10.2020
Deliverable E.1: Terms of Reference for the Project Team (14.11.2020) – Completed / 10.11.2020
Deliverable E.1: Project schedule and document base (20.11.2020) – Completed / 17.11.2020
Deliverable E.1: Process rules (27.11.2020)
Milestone A.1: Kick-off meeting conducted (01.12.2020) – Completed / 30.11.2020
Deliverable D.2: BalkanDetox LIFE project logo (11.12.2020) – Completed / 23.03.2020
Deliverable A.1: Kick-off Meeting report (21.12.2020) – Completed / 18.12.2020
Deliverable A.1: Signed Partnership Agreements (21.12.2020) – Completed / 20.12.2020
Deliverable D.2: BDL project t-shirts (01.02.2021) – Completed / 25.06.2022
Deliverable D.2: Project web site (01.03.2021) – Completed / 01.04.2021
Deliverable D.2: BDL project vests (31.03.2021) – Completed / 25.06.2022
Basic information and communication tools developed
Milestone E.1: Communication Team set up (30.11.2020) – Completed / 22.10.2020
Milestone D.2: Communication Plan produced (31.12.2020) – Completed / 01.12.2021
Deliverable D.2: BDL project leaflet (30.04.2021) – Completed / 01.10.2022
Deliverable D.2: Informative video about wildlife poisoning (31.05.2021) – Completed / 01.06.2022
Deliverable D.2: Animation video illustrating the problem of wildlife poisoning in the Balkans (01.06.2021) – Completed / 30.09.2022
Deliverable D.2: Project notice boards (30.06.2021) – Completed / 01.05.2022
Deliverable D.1: Informative video about the effects of misuse of pesticides on human health (29.04.2022)
Deliverable D.1: Informative video about what to do when you encounter a poisoned animal (24.11.2022)
Deliverable D.2: 20 press releases (English, Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, Greek, Macedonian and Serbian) (30.09.2025)
Deliverable D.2: Layman’s report (30.09.2025)
Milestone D.1: 3 articles published on the dedicated project website about the effects of poisoning on vultures and wildlife and the impacts on public health (28.02.2022) – Completed / 28.02.2022
Securing initial engagement of relevant national institutions
Milestone A.3: Preparatory meeting with relevant stakeholders towards establishing National anti-poisoning working groups held in each country (14.05.2021) – Completed / 22.06.2021
Deliverable A.3: Report from the preparatory meeting of the National anti-poisoning working group in Albania (30.06.2021) – Completed / 02.12.2020
Deliverable A.3: Report from the preparatory meeting of the National anti-poisoning working group in (30.06.2021) – Completed / 24.11.2020
Deliverable A.3: Report from the preparatory meeting of the National anti-poisoning working group in Croatia (30.06.2021) – Completed / 27.11.2020
Deliverable A.3: Report from the preparatory meeting of the National anti-poisoning working group in Greece (30.06.2021) – Completed / 27.11.2020
Deliverable A.3: Report from the preparatory meeting of the National anti-poisoning working group in North Macedonia (30.06.2021) – Completed / 12.11.2020
Deliverable A.3: Report from the preparatory meeting of the National anti-poisoning working group in Serbia (30.06.2021) – Completed / 22.06.2021
Understanding the situation with wildlife poisoning in the Balkans
Milestone A.2: Compilation pf all available data about poisoning incidents (26.02.2021) – Completed / 05.05.2021
Deliverable A.2: Study on the use of poison in the environment in the Balkan Peninsula (30.09.2021) – Completed / 28.02.2022
Milestone B.10: Compiled information needed for analysis of operational capacities of national referent toxicological laboratories in all the project countries (29.10.2021) – Completed / 29.10.2021
Deliverable B.3: Analysis of the use of legal and illegal agricultural chemicals used for wildlife poisoning in the Balkan countries (31.12.2021) – Completed / 30.03.2022
Deliverable B.10: Report – Operational capacities of referent national toxicological laboratories in the Balkans (31.12.2021) – Completed / 11.03.2022
Deliverable C.6: All reports from toxicological analysis conducted during the project (30.09.2025)
Preliminary analysis of the effects and impact of misuse of pesticides on human health
Deliverable A.4: Study of the impact of misuse of pesticides on human health (31.12.2021) – Completed / 29.04.2022
Milestone A.4: Final design layout and publishing of the Study (30.09.2021) – Completed / 01.06.2022
Vigilance for wildlife poisoning
Milestone C.1: Regional poisoning database fully operational (01.07.2021) – Completed / 01.12.2021
Milestone C.1: Developed National databases on poisoning of animals in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, North Macedonia and Serbia (31.12.2021) – Completed / 01.12.2021
Milestone B.4: Deployment of 25 GPS transmitters on Griffon Vultures by the end of 2021 (31.12.2021) – Progress: 23 tags deployed so far, 2 tags remaining for Serbia to be deployed in spring 2023.
Deliverable C.1: Poisoning incidents annual report for 2021 (28.02.2022) – Completed / 30.05.2022
Deliverable B.4: Report on the tagged Griffon Vultures within the auspices of BalkanDetox LIFE project (31.03.2022) – Completed / 31.03.2022
Deliverable C.4: Annual Report (2022) about poison control with tracked vultures in the Balkans (01.02.2023)
Deliverable C.1: Poisoning incidents annual report for 2022 (28.02.2023)
Deliverable C.4: Annual Report (2023) about poison control with tracked vultures in the Balkans (01.02.2024)
Deliverable C.1: Poisoning incidents annual report for 2023 (29.02.2024)
Deliverable C.4: Annual Report (2024) about poison control with tracked vultures in the Balkans (03.02.2025)
Deliverable C.1: Final regional poisoning incident report (30.04.2025)
Deliverable C.4: Overall report about wildlife poisoning control with tracked vultures – conclusions (01.09.2025)
Milestone C.4: Early warning system phone app developed (01.10.2025)
Increased operational capacities for investigation of wildlife poisoning in the Balkans
Milestone B.10: Toxicology laboratory in North Macedonia fully operational to perform analyses on wildlife samples (31.01.2022) – Progress: Most of the equipment arrived and has been installed, a couple of components still pending for delivery. Lab will be fully operational until spring 2023.
Deliverable B.1: Standard Operational Protocol (SOP) for investigation of wildlife poisoning incidents for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia and Serbia (30.09.2022) – Ongoing: SOPs developed in AL, BH, CR, GR, NM. SOP officially adopted in Greece on 22.08.2022 by a Joint Ministerial Decision (JMD) between the Ministries of Environment and Energy (MEEN) and Rural Development and Food (MRDF).
Deliverable B.1: Standard Operational Protocol for forensic wildlife pathology for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia and Serbia (30.09.2022) – Ongoing: SOPs developed in AL, BH, CR, evaluated in GR and NM.
Deliverable B.1: Standard Operational Protocol for forensic wildlife toxicology for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia and Serbia– Ongoing: SOPs developed in AL, BH, CR, evaluated in GR and NM.
Milestone B.1: Final drafts of protocols for forensic wildlife pathology developed by the NAWG in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia and Serbia (30.09.2022) – Ongoing:
Milestone B.1: Final drafts of protocols for forensic wildlife toxicology developed by the NAWG in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia and Serbia (30.09.2022) – Ongoing:
Milestone B.1: Final drafts of protocols for investigation of wildlife poisoning incidents developed by the NAWG in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia and Serbia (30.09.2022) – Ongoing:
Deliverable B.6: Report from international workshop on environmental crime for public prosecutors and judges (30.11.2022)
Deliverable B.6: Reports from all national workshops for prosecutors and judges about the severity of wildlife poisoning and discouragement of poison baits use (29.12.2023)
Milestone B.6: International workshops for prosecutors and judges about the severity of wildlife poisoning and discouragement of poison baits use carried out (30.12.2022)
Developed skillset for combating wildlife poisoning
Deliverable B.5: Basic investigation kit for Wildlife Crime Academy participants (31.03.2021) – Completed / 01.06.2021
Deliverable B.5: Training programme and educational materials for Wildlife Crime Academy participants (31.03.2021) – Completed / 01.06.2021
Milestone B.5: Basic specialised anti-poisoning training course conducted in the Wildlife Crime Academy in Spain (31.05.2022) – Completed / 02.07.2021
Deliverable B.7: Training materials for the National anti-poisoning training programmes produced (01.07.2022)
Milestone B.5: Advanced specialised anti-poisoning training course completed in the Wildlife Crime Academy in Spain (30.11.2022) – Completed / 12.11.2021
Milestone B.5: Supreme specialised anti-poisoning training course completed in the Wildlife Crime Academy in Spain (31.12.2022)
Deliverable B.5: Report on the completed training programme of the Wildlife Crime Academy in Spain (30.11.2023)
Milestone B.7: National anti-poisoning courses conducted in Albania by the trained staff from relevant national institutions (31.05.2024)
Milestone B.7: National anti-poisoning courses conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the trained staff from relevant national institutions (31.05.2024)
Milestone B.7: National anti-poisoning courses conducted in Croatia by the trained staff from relevant national institutions (31.05.2024)
Milestone B.7: National anti-poisoning courses conducted in Greece by the trained staff from relevant national institutions (31.05.2024)
Milestone B.7: National anti-poisoning courses conducted in North Macedonia by the trained staff from relevant national institutions (31.05.2024)
Milestone B.7: National anti-poisoning courses conducted in Serbia by the trained staff from relevant national institutions (31.05.2024)
Deliverable B.7: Reports from conducted National anti-poisoning training courses (28.06.2024)
Increased active network of relevant stakeholders for combating wildlife poisoning
Milestone B.9: Balkan-pan network for trans-border cooperation in investigation established (01.02.2023)
Deliverable B.9: Report from the regional meeting of stakeholders relevant to wildlife poisoning in the Balkans (31.05.2023)
Milestone B.9: Online platform for information and documents exchange about poisoning (30.09.2023)
Milestone D.1: First educational workshop with relevant stakeholders conducted in all target countries (29.10.2021) – Completed / 01.10.2021
Secured long-term engagement of national governments towards combating wildlife poisoning in the Balkans
Milestone B.2: First drafts of the National Anti-Poisoning Road Maps for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia and Serbia developed (01.11.2023) – Completed / 31.01.2021
Deliverable B.2: National Anti-Poisoning Road Maps developed for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia and Serbia (31.01.2024)
Progress: Road maps officially developed by the National anti-poisoning working groups (NAWGs) in AL, BH, CR, NM. Process in Greece going through the implementation of national and regional action plans against poison bait use, which were approved through a Joint Ministerial Decision.
Deliverable B.2: Two anti-poisoning road maps officially adopted/endorsed by the national governments (26.09.2025)
Deliverable E.2: After-LIFE strategic plan for combating wildlife poisoning in the Balkan Peninsula (31.08.2025)
Analysed impact of the BalkanDetox LIFE project within key target audiences
Deliverable C.5: Report on the socio-economic impact of the project in the region (AL, BH, CR, GR, MK and RS) (01.09.2025)
Deliverable C.3: Report on evaluation on the change of perception about the practice of intentional use of poison for eradicating undesirable wildlife and other animals in the region (AL, BH, MK, GR and RS) (01.09.2025)
Deliverable C.3: Report on evaluation on the change of perception about the practice of intentional use of poison for eradicating undesirable wildlife and other animals in Croatia (01.09.2025)
Analysed impact of the BalkanDetox LIFE project on reducing mortality of vultures and other species affected by wildlife poisoning
Deliverable C.1: Study on the use of poison in the environment and vulture poisoning in the Balkan Peninsula – updated review (29.09.2025)
Effective project management
Deliverable E.1: Midterm project report (01.12.2023)
Deliverable E.1: Final project report (30.09.2025)
Deliverable E.1: Audit report (01.10.2025)
Reports from BDL Partnership meetings.